It’s after Christmas…

By Patti Rice

Time to take down the decorations, enjoy the presents that were “just right” and carefully arrange to return the gifts which were the incorrect size, wrong color or duplicates of what you already have. The parties are over and thpatti_ricee oh-so-many gifts of sweets consumed or given away . . . thank goodness!  Now it’s time to start a brand new, fresh year. 

One of the things I like to do is clean out the clutter in my work area. My desk gets a good going through and this year I cleaned out my vanity. Half empty tubes and jars that have been hanging around for years . . . well, it seems like years anyway!  When I look at them all, it makes me realize that the trendy, fad products just don’t do the work of the professional products recommended by qualified skincare professionals. These are the products I end up using regularly because they are the ones that clearly have the best results.

 I encourage you to de-clutter your vanity area – be aware of expiration dates and product color and consistency. Any question at all – throw it out. Resolve to save yourself money by staying away from fads, celebrity trends and stick with professional products purchased from reputable retailers.

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